• info@choisangclinic.com
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What is incontinence molding?

Easily solved by local anesthesia without large incision!
Simultaneous solution of urinary incontinence and quality elasticity!

Urinary incontinence refers to the phenomenon of urine leakage regardless of the intention of the person, 30% of women in their 30s, 40% of women in their forties and 50% of women in their 50s. Most women with urinary incontinence are accompanied by pelvic muscle and ligament loosening and impairment. Uncomfortable urinary incontinence may improve symptoms with constant Kegel exercise or electrical stimulation. However, severe stress urinary incontinence can be treated by inserting a medical tape called Trans-obturator Vaginal Tape (TOT), which can replace the ligament (urethral ligament) that actually gives the urethra because it is difficult to obtain satisfactory treatment results with only pelvic muscle strengthening exercise. And together with this surgery, together with vaginal reconstruction that restore the damage of the pelvic muscles and ligaments, you can return to youthful elasticity.

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Differentiation from existing surgery
I was able to solve the uncomfortable memory that was pouring -
Opportunities to resolve urinary incontinence symptoms and return to quality in youth!

Mini TOT
Minimize damage
4th generation TOT advanced technique


Original Dual Tie
Restored pelvic muscles and ligaments
Changed to a vaginal state when young


Restoration of anterior wall
Preventing cystitis
Preventing aggravation of urethral disease

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"Incontinence surgery, national health insurance coverage"

Because you are covered by health insurance, you can receive incontinence surgery at no cost..













Check Point

① Stress incontinence → TOT surgery + original dual tie

Urinary incontinence is most often caused by stress in the abdomen, such as when running or coughing, that is, when the abdominal pressure rises. Stress urinary incontinence occurs when the pelvic muscles and fascia are relaxed and damaged by pregnancy and childbirth. Mild stress urinary incontinence may improve symptoms through steady Kegel exercise or electric stimulation therapy. However, severe stress urinary incontinence can be treated by inserting a medical tape called Trans-obturator Vaginal Tape (TOT), which can substitute for the ligament (urethral ligament) that actually gives up the urethra .

In fact, TOT is about 10cm thick and the size of scotch tape is harmless to the human body and there is no sense of foreign body.

Most of the stress urinary incontinence symptoms can be treated with TOT surgery, and it is easy enough to do with local anesthesia.


② Urge incontinence → medication or TOT surgery

When you want to urinate, you may not be able to tolerate it. When you go to the bathroom, you may run out of urine. If these symptoms are not one-time and occur frequently, you may suspect urgent urge incontinence. Urgent urinary incontinence is a disease in which the nerves distributed in the bladder are sensitive and the urinary bladder contracts and the urine leaks out, unlike the person's intention to urinate when there is urinary urgency. I will. Urgent urinary incontinence can be treated with medication that affects the nerves in the bladder. In most cases, urinary incontinence is accompanied by stress urinary incontinence.

Depending on the severity, treatment can be done with pelvic muscle strengthening exercises (Kegel exercise, electric stimulation therapy) and medication or TOT surgery and medication.


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Minimize incision and minimize pain with 4th generation TOT MiniTOT

The existing TOT requires an incision of the vaginal wall and three incarnations of both sides. Since the coarse needle passes through the pelvis and through the inguinal region, there is a possibility that side effects such as pain, sensory abnormality, and hematoma occur. In Mini TOT, only the incision of the vaginal wall is necessary, and there is no need for a thick needle that passes through the inguinal incision or pelvis.

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Complete restoration of injured pelvic muscles and ligaments, original dual tying

Most of the causes of urinary incontinence are pregnancy, childbirth, and other injuries to the pelvic muscles and ligaments.

By restoring the pelvic muscles and ligaments through the original dual tie casting, you can cure incontinence and return to a narrow, resilient quality.

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Bulging anterior vaginal wall correction

The weakening of the fascia and ligaments that underlie the urethra can cause the mucous membrane of the lower urethra to fall downward, which can exacerbate urinary tract diseases such as urinary incontinence and cystitis, and may not look beautiful. Best Gynecology and incontinence surgery restores the entire vaginal wall to its original, narrow and resilient state.

Operation Method

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Local anesthesia
Mini-TOT can be easily operated with local anesthesia.

Insert with minimal incision
To maximize the effect, the medical tape is placed under the urethra
It is important to insert it correctly.

Squeeze a small point and finish after disinfection.


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Improved incontinence symptoms

The damaged pelvic muscles and ligaments are restored and urinary incontinence symptoms are resolved, allowing for a relaxed activity.


Reduction of quality and strengthening of elasticity

When combined with incontinence surgery and original dual tie wrinkles, the loosened vagina will increase and the elasticity of the vagina will increase.


Prevention of cystitis and urinary tract diseases

'Because it strengthens the fascia and ligaments that support the urethra, it prevents urinary tract diseases such as bladder as well as urinary incontinence.



I need this person.


  • If you have a cough, sneeze, urine even in sudden movements
  • If you have a feeling of leakage of urine
  • If you have frequent feelings of urination
  • If urination is not feasible
  • If you have pain when urinating
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